2007 Florida Keys Fishing Reports |
Last Florida Keys Tarpon Fishing Report
June 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, of 2007
June 22, 2007:
My friend Kelly Zubek and her Nephew Danny Rossman fished with me in clear, sunny, hot, calm, 90 degree plus weather. Danny jumped a 70 pound Tarpon in the early morning on the first day, then they got spooky. We saw hundreds of fish but they would not bite with the high sun. We came in at 2:00 PM then came back at 7:30 after it cooled off. Danny jumped 4 Tarpon but could not keep connected, while Kelly jumped 3 loosing 2 to the bridge.
June 23, 2007:
Today Kelly, Danny, and I fished from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM and saw over 1000 Tarpon, they would not bite as the water was calm, clear, and hot, The air temp is 95 degrees with no breeze. We came back out at 8:00 PM and Kelly hooked up right away, she fought a 120 pound Tarpon for 50 minutes before we took a picture and let the fish go. Kelly fought 2 more Tarpon while Danny had 4 bites but did not land a fish. We had a great time and will fish together soon.
June 24, 25, and 26, 2007:
My friend Michael Thompson from San Francisco fished with me for 3 days and had a good trip. The first 2 days fishing was slow but on the 26th Mike jumped 6 big Tarpon, all over 100 pounds, he landed 3 Tarpon on fly. The biggest fish was 115 pounds and the other fish were all big females.
My 97 year old Mother and I are packing up here in the Keys, we will leave tomorrow and arrive in North Carolina on July 3rd. I hope to begin fishing for Tarpon and Redfish the following week. This was the hardest Tarpon season in the Florida Keys which I have ever experienced due to weather, and the lack of Tarpon which showed up during the migration. My experience has taught me that we usually have great fishing the following year after one of these poor years, so I plan to be back for at least one more year. Stay tuned for Fishing Reports from North Carolina, Alaska, Guatemala, and other special fishing adventures in the near future.
Florida Keys Tarpon Report
June 13, 14, 2007
Greetings from The Florida Keys:
June, 13, 2007:
Austin Hepburn from Radnor, PA joined me today for a couple days of fly fishing for Tarpon. Last year he hooked several but did not land one, this season was to be different. The weather was calm and sunny with east wind at 5 to 10 knots, with a water temperature of 85 degrees. We saw over 1000 Tarpon in large schools today, the second group turned out to have about 300 Tarpon on the surface, happy, these were slow moving POONS which were hungry.
Austin made several good casts then a 110 pound female sucked down that fly and headed for Cuba. After a 55 minute battle on 20 pound tippet, using my TFO TiCr 12 with a Rio Clouser Tarpon Taper line, along with a new prototype Mako fly reel by Jack Charlton, and one of my chartreuse bunny strip Tarpon flies tied on an owner 2/0 hook, this Tarpon had towed my skiff 5 miles out to sea. Austin finally wound this Tarpon up to the boat where I released it and began our ride back toward shore.
June 14, 2007,
Austin cast to hundreds of Tarpon today in slick calm water on the ocean side flats of the Florida Keys. We saw several thousand real spooky fish in giant schools heading toward the worm flats. We had several follows and one bite which Austin never got tight in that Tarpon. I think that the fishing will turn on in the next day or two, there are lots of fish and the water is now in the upper 80s which should make for some great fishing during the next several weeks.
Florida Keys Tarpon Report
June 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 2007
Greetings from The Florida Keys:
June 7, 2007: Nikki and Steve Wells from Canada joined me for three days of Tarpon fishing with lots of wind, clouds, and rain. This morning the weather was tough and ewe didn't see many Tarpon, we went in and took a nap then came back out at 5:00 PM. Both Nikki and Steve fought several Tarpon before sundown, then they turned on and ate real good. At 9:30 when we came in Steve had fought 3 Tarpon and leadered a fish of about 90 pounds, Nikki jumped 5 Tarpon of which we released two one of which was over 100 pounds.
June 8, 2007: Bad weather and no fish, fished 1/2 day in the morning.
June 9, 2007: Morning was rough and rainy with wind and clouds, no fish. We came back out for the evening shift. Nikki jumped one Tarpon and Steve caught a 110 pound female. We did OK for such bad weather, tomorrow should be better.
June 10, 2007: Pete Hoffman from Huntsville Alabama, joined me for the next 3 days of Tarpon fishing. The weather is beautiful, 85 degree air temperature, sunny, 10 knot wind from the Southeast, and lots of Tarpon. Pete caught a 90 pounder on his first day of fly fishing for Tarpon. We had a great day!
June 11, 2007: Great Tarpon fishing today, perfect weather, lots of happy Tarpon. We got to one fish to eat a worm fly but missed the hook set, Pete did land a nice 60 pound Tarpon on a crab pattern. This weather is awesome, the Tarpon season is now happening. More reports to follow!
Florida Keys Tarpon Report
June 5 and 6 2007
Greetings from The Florida Keys:
June 5, 2007; Philip and Donna Moran spent their third day of fly fishing for Tarpon today in warm, sunny, calm conditions. We saw between 600 and 800 Tapon today, most were deep and fast moving, however several schools of over one hundred TArpon were high and happy.
Donna had several real good shots however she did not hook a fish as she was having a hard time casting the 12 weight fly rod. Phil cast 6 different flies at those Tarpon and finally on his second bite of the day an 80 pound Tarpon ate a purple bunny strip fly and went crazy, After 35 minutes Phil wound the Tarpon up to the class tippet and I released that wonderful fish. Congradulations to Philip, he fought that fish valiantly.
June 6, 2007; Today the Florida Keys weather turned to S--- , we had rain, thunder, and lightning from early in the morning and it is still raining, the drought is over! We did not fish bit Phil and Donna had a great trip and said that they will be back. More reports to follow.
Florida Keys Tarpon Fishing Report
June, 2, 3, 4, 2007
Greetings from The Florida Keys:
June 2, 2007, Philip and Donna Moran from England are here for 5 days of fly fishing for Tarpon, today we had wind, rain, clouds, along with no Tarpon in the area.
June 3, 2007, Amazing, no wind, sunshine, warm calm weather and lots of Tarpon beginning to show up. Phil and Donna both had dozens of shots at Tarpon, Phil had two bites, hooked a Tarpon of about over 100 pounds, fought it for 25 minutes and hat the fish within 15 feet from the boat when the big Silver King jumped and fell on the leader breaking off and swimming away. We saw over 200 Tarpon today.
June 4, 2007, Today we fished in calm warm ocean water and saw between 600 and 800 Tarpon swimming happily down the flats. Donna got several shots but is having trouble with that big 12 weight, so she id now practicing wit my 10 weight TiCr with an eleven weight line, She is casting much better.
In the mean time Phil got many dozen shots at multiple fish, we had a meat ball school wit 200 Tarpon which I poled along with for an hour. We had lots of follows, and a few bites which never came tight, we had a great day but never jumped a fish today. The Tarpon season is finally here, I still have dates later this month? More reports to follow.
Florida Keys Tarpon Fishing Report
May, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, June 1,2, 2007
Greetings from The Florida Keys:
I wish that I could report that Tarpon season here in the Florida Keys was under way with thousands of Tarpon swimming along the migration routs as they have done during the last 4 decades that I have chased them. In reality the weather here in the Keys has been worse than I have ever experienced. During the last 13 days we have had small craft warnings with winds in excess of 25 knots with clouds and rain intermittently. The ocean water temperature is 79 degrees this morning and has been up to 82 degrees in early May, the average water temperature during May is normally between 84 and 89 degrees and should be 87 to 89 degrees by May first.
May, 22, Gordon Burr and I fished the evening shift from 7:00 PM through 10:00 PM from my JB Cape Fisherman, in a channel between two of the lower keys. The Tarpon must have known that the weather was deteriorating, so they ate real good. Gordon had 8 bites, jumped 6 Tarpon and we caught and released 2 fish both just under 100 pounds. He did fight a monster 150 plus fish for 45 minutes however that fish eventually ran through a bridge and cut off our fly line.
May 23, 2007, Gordon jumped 2 Tarpon between 8:00 PM and 11:00 PM but it was too rough to chase them off of the shallow bank where we were fishing and each fish pulled the hook.
May 24, 25, 26, 2007: Gordon and tried but got no fish to eat our flies during these last 3 days of fly fishing for Tarpon. Gordon has fished with me since 1994 and has had many great days of Tarpon fishing in the past, he already reserved his dates for next year.
May 27, 2007, Rich Christians from Saint Pete Florida came back for his 4th year of a week of fly fishing for Tarpon. We had some sunshine and the East wind was down to 20-25 knots in the morning, I found some laid up Tarpon, Rich made some good casts, and had one big female follow his fly up to the boat before spooking. By 1:30 PM the wind was up to 30 and we headed in.
May 28, 2007, Same as the day before with the wind down to near 20 knots in the morning. Rich and his friend Drew, from Montana joined me for the morning of Fly Fishing on a flat near the 7 mile bridge, we waited for 5 hours for the schools of migrating Tarpon to come through. There were 2 other boats in front of us in line for this flat, the first boat followed a school of 20 to 30 fish for a mile and never got a bite, then, an hour later the next boat got on a group of 40 or so POONS, they hooked a big fish on a black fly and caught that fish.
Now we had the number one spot, (usually on this flat there are at least a dozen schools swimming through here in the morning) we waited and looked as the wind gradually increased and the white caps of 3 to 4 foot began to crash on the skiff. No more Tarpon ever came past that flat so we quit as the clouds moved in.
May 29, 2007, Rich and Drew joined me in the lower keys to hunt for laid up Tarpon, we had partly cloudy skies with 22 knot east wind in the early morning. We fished in loggerhead basin for a couple of hours where we saw a total of 3 Tarpon, then we went in a basin in the back country which was protected from the 25 knot east wind, and which had white bottom along with a few big laid up Tarpon. Drew hooked a 110 pound Tarpon which spit the fly back at him when it jumped, then Rich had several real good follows but these Tarpon are not at all happy.
May 30, 2007, Today Rich and Tina Christians joined me to try to fish the lower keys in the morning, we fished for several hours in the 25-30 knot wind but we never saw a fish and quit after the clouds covered the entire sky which made it impossible to see a Tarpon even if they were near us.
May, 31, 2007; 20-30 knot east to south wind, rain, and clouds, caused us to postpone our fishing today, I think that this weather will improve sometime. When it does get better maybe we will have some great Tarpon fishing. June, 1, and 2, 2007; Tropical depresion, gale force winds, rain, caused us to not fish. Maybe by Monday it will get better.
I still have some open dates available during the second half of June, it may produce some great fishing. Let me know if you have any interest?
Hungry Tarpon cruising the flats |
Jones Brothers Cape Fisherman 2000 going Tarpon Fishing |
Florida Keys Tarpon Fishing Report
May, 22 to 25, 2007
Greetings from The Florida Keys:
Gordon Burr from Denver arrived for 5 days of fly fishing for Tarpon, he was surprised with 25 to 35 knot Northeast wind with clouds and scattered thunder showers. The Flats have turned to mud with waves crashing on all flats and banks. The wind should subside and drop to 20 knots by Sunday, then settle down to under 15 on Monday, this should turn on the TArpon again. Many of the flatsguides have sent their clients home. In my 40 plus years of fishing in the Keys I have not seen a Tarpon season like this.
I have not launched my flats boat in over a week, it would be too dangerous, so I put my JB Cape Fisherman at a marina where we can get to a channel which holds Tarpon during this bad weather.
May 22, 2007: Gordon and I went out at 7:00 PM and fished until 10:00 and had 7 Tarpon bite Gordon's fly, he jumped 5 fish and fought two to the boat for release. One of the fish that we did not land was a large 150 pounder which cleaned our clock. The two fish caught were between 70 and 90 pounds, I am sure glad I have that Jones Brothers boat.
May 23, 2007: We fished from 7:30 to 11:00 PM, it was more rough with gusts to 40 knots, we jumped 2 Tarpon but were not able to follow the fish into the rough water.
May 23, 2007:did not fish due to weather!
May 25, 2007: No fishing today, we will try tonight, however water keeps getting mor muddy, I hope the fish do not leave the channels and go out in the deep ocean until it clears up. Tarpon season should start soon!
Keys Jumping Tarpon on Fly |
Florida Keys Tarpon Fishing Report
May,7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 2007
Greetings from The Florida Keys:
May 7 & 8, 2007:
Chris Jobson and Ben Furimsky from Crested Bute Co. joined me for 2 days of fly fishing for Tarpon. We had sunny, weather with 10 - 15 knot west to northest wind and water temperature in the high 70s for these two days. Chris hooked a big Tarpon (Well over 100 pounds) which jumped 6 times then spit the hook. Tuesday Chris had lots of shots at cusing Tarpon, had one eat the fly but could not stay connected. We had fun but the Tarpon fly fishing is poor.
May 9, 10, 11, 2007:
My friend Steve McManus from Charleston SC came down for his third year of fly fishing for Tarpon with me, he fished for 3 days with north west wind and 78 degree water with smoke and sunshine. There is no other way to put it but to say that the fishing was horrible, we had shots at Tarpon each day but they will bot even look at the fly. The combination of wind direction, and colder than normal weter made the few Tarpon here very unhappy, they are swimming deep and are very afraid of flies. Steve never got a bite during his 3 days of fishing, I hope it improves soon. I have not seen our normal south east trade winds except for 2 days this year.
May 12 & 13, 2007:
Danny Cline came to town for his second shot at Tarpon on fly this year, and he may have hit it perfect this time. The wind died and the sun finally brought the water temperature up to 81 degrees today, and the big schools began to move through. We fished between Marathon and Big Pine Key for both days, and saw hundreds of fish each day.
On Saturday Danny jumped 6 Tarpon, broke one off on a bridge piling and released two, the first about 70 pounds and the second one close to 90 pounds. Sunday we had lots of shots at east bound fish but most would not bite, we took a break and went back out late in the evening. Danny hooked two Tarpon tonight, he landed a 60 pounder then his second bite was a 100 pounder which he wound up to the release in 26 minutes. Finally the Tarpon are starting to bite for me, if this water temp keeps above 80 we should have good fishing for the rest of the season. This is the hardest Tarpon fishing that I have ever seen, but now they are here! More Reports to follow.
Jefff Clarke Tarpon |
Florida Keys Tarpon Fishing Report
May 5, & 6, 2007
Greetings from The Florida Keys:
Jeff Clarke from Tampa FL joined me here in the Florida Keys for two days of sight casting flies to Tarpon. We had great weather with sunny, clear skies, warm temperatires, 5 to 10 knot south east wind, with water temperatures of 82 to 83 degrees. After 4 or 5 days of good weather the Tarpon moved in in good numbers and settled down to the migration, due to the consistant weather they began to eat the fly very good.
On Saturday Jeff, who had never sight cast flys to Tarpon, took a short lesson on how to feed these silver king, before we began fishing. We fished "The Basin" in the morning where we found several dozen happy laid up fish, Jeff made several good casts and he had three TArpon eat the Bunny Strip fly. The first two bites wound up with the fly coming loose from the fish, then a real good cast along with a good stripping action cased a hundred pounder to peel off and stick its head out of the water to eat the fly. Jeff Set the hook with a strip strike, however he forgot to let go and the monster broke the 20 pound tippet. In the afternoon we saw over a hundred Tarpon on the ocean side flats however they were coming fast, out of the glare, and we never got the fly to the right location to catch one.
Sunday morning we only saw one small group of Tarpon in "The Basin" then we ran 30 miles up to the 7 mile bridge to look for travling happy schools of Tarpon. We had a problem as it seems that someone had syphoned most of the gas from my skiff and we ran out of gas at Sunshine Key, I poled into the marina and got gas but it was now 1:30 in the afternoon. We ran back down toward Big Pine and I found a happy school of daisy chaning Tarpon with close to 100 fish in the school, neat the "Ho Jo" flats.
I poled along with that school for a half mile until Jeff got the right presentation, then a red hot male of about 45 pounds raced past a 120 pound female and gobbled the fly. Jeff fought that Tarpon for 25 minutes until I grabbed the leader and released Jeff's first daytime Tarpon on fly. Jeff got on the road by 3:30 for his 7 hour drive home to Tampa, he had a ball and will return during the month of June for more Keys Tarpon Fly action. More reports to follow!
Carlos Tarpon next to boat |
Florida Keys Tarpon Fishing Report
April, 30, May 1, 2, 3, 2007
Greetings from The Florida Keys:
These last 4 days have gone from very few fish that would not bite to lots of happy Tarpon with perfect weather and good fly fishing for Tarpon. Chuck patchin, Tom Shipley, Dick Park, from Portland Oregon, joined Carlos Lamadris from Naples Florida for four days of fly fishing for Tarpon. Captain Dave Wiley and I switched between these 4 anglers during the last 4 days and had a great time.
Although these anglers are acomplished fly anglers, most do not have much experience at sight casting to big Tarpon. All except Tom had Tarpon eat their fly and Jump however only Carlos fishing on my skiff landed a Tarpon, a nice 60 pounder. Wednesday and Thursday had sunny and warm weather, Chuch and Dick jumped several fish with Dave, Dick's fish fought for a long time before breaking off on a bridge piling, while Carlos hooked a big fish that jumped once, fought for two miles and broke us off on the bridge after thirty minutes.
Friday we had several bites but could not stay connected, but the weather was awesome with clear skys and warm calm weather. Saturday Chuck got the first bite and missed the hook set, then Carlos jumped a hundred pounder from a big happy school, after that fish got off we poled up to that school for another shot. Carlos made a good cast and hooked a nice 60 pounder which fought good for 25 minutes before I released that Tarpon to look for more.
This weather seems to have started the tarpon season and I think that it will just improve fronm here. I do have a couple of days available in June should you want to try to land one of these fine fish on fly, Just call me! More Reports to follow.
Florida Keys Tarpon Fishing Report
April, 22 to 30, 2007
Greetings from The Florida Keys:
During this period the Tarpon fishing was poor, with water temperatures ranging between 73 and 79 degrees with mostly north winds. I fished 4 charters during this period, with Arlene and Don War fishing on the 26th. Arlene hooked a big Tarpon which raced toward a bridge and broke us off around a bridge piling.
Another day I got to fish around flamingo with another guide and another friend, I managed to catch some sea trout, a few small Redfish, and a Lemon Shark on fly. This was a good day off and gave me a chance to rewind while preparing fro the influx of giant Tarpon which will begin this week.
I fished with Paul Wooten and Jim Seagraves from Tampa on the 28th and 29th with little success. We saw a string of 7 Tarpon on the 28th which Paul cast to, the big female followed the fly then turned away. Later on the 29th Jim jumped a very small baby Tarpon which spit the hook.
Yesterday a friend told me that they saw 800 Tarpon heading this way up around rodregus key, Captain Bobby Jones saw several hundred Tarpon neat Islamorada, and Neil Light saw 50 moving Tarpon near sugarloaf Key. The water temperature finally reached 80 degrees which is in the comfort zone for migrating Tarpon. Although this month was the hardest April for Tarpon fishing that I have ever experienced, that should mean that the fishing will be real good during May and June. In any event I feel confident that hundreds of Tarpon will move into Keys waters today as the water finally gets to the right temperature. More Reports to follow. Please let me know if you have any interest in Tarpon Fishing during the second half of June?
Danny Cline first Keys Bonefish |
Florida Keys Tarpon Fishing Report
April, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 2007
Greetings From Tarpon World:
April 17, 2007:
The weather today was sunny and calm with the air temperature getting up to 80 degrees and the water temperature beginning in the morning at 72 degrees and getting up to 75 in the afternoon. Danny Cline had not ever caught a Florida Keys Bonefish until today. We looked for Tarpon in the morning then decided to try for Bonefish, at 3 pm on white sand botton of Sunshine Key flats, Danny caught his first Keys Bonefish on fly, which was small for a Keys Bonefish however it was a Keys Bonefish. We also had shots at Permit, several Tarpon, and saw lots of Cudas on the flats.
April 18, 2007:
Today Danny and I started looking for Bones in the Morning, then switched to Permit, We fished the flats between Bahia Honda Key and the east end of Marathon in the bright sunshine and warm weather. By 3 in the afternoon Danny had caught 2 Jack Cravelles in the 25 pound range and has shots at 5 tailing permit which were not interested in his fly. At 5 PM the water temperature reached 80 degrees and we saw 3 strings of Tarpon near the sunshine key flats, Danny made several good casts and wound up catchinh a 60 pound Tarpon, his first of 2007.
April 19, 2007:
Today I had the pleasure if fishing with my friend Billy Klyn (Patagonia) and his son Sam from Jackson Hole Wy. We looked for TArpon but the water was cold and the North Wind made it too cool for them to show up. Sam got bored after a couple of hours of no action so we took a break then in the late afternoon when the wind died down we headed out to the Sunshine Key flats. We did see several Sharks and Baracuda's however the fishing was slow and we never caught a fish. Having Bill and Sam on the boat was a ball, we had dinner at the CAstaways restaurant and it was awesome, They will come back when the fishing is better.
April 20, 2007:
Today Jon Zirnik from Cudjoe Key Florida launched the skiff at 10 Am at Dolphin Marina and fished the ocean side flats between The west end of the 11 mile bridge and Loger Head Basin. The water temperature started at 74 degrees and got up to 78 on the ocean side late in the afternoon. The weather was sunny with a North wind at 10 to 15 knots and the laid up Tarpon were not very attentive to flies presented to them. Late in the afternoon we found 2 schools of moving fish near Bahia Honda key moving from east to west over some good bottom. Jon made a good cast and wound uo catching a 80 pound Tarpon on a yellow bunny strip fly on 20 pound tippet. At least we are beginning to see some moving fish.
April 21, 2007:
Jon Ziarkik and I fished for laid up Tarpon in "The Bite", "The Basin", and in the back country today. We found about two dozen Tarpon and Jon cast at most of them with little or no success. We got several big Tarpon to follow the fly just to turn off and give us the fin! We quit at 4 PM as the wind came up and the clouds moved in. The wind is supposed to be northeast at 30 knots tomorrow so I may nit get a chance to fish, This has been a real rough Tarpon season so far, it is hard when the fish are here and the water temp is over 80 degrees, however it is very frustrating when the water temperature is too cold and there are no Poons where they are supposed to be. It will turn on any minutes and the fishing will be awesome. This Tarpon fishing is like the lottery, when you buy the winning ticket it is the best fishing in the world! More reports to follow!
Hot Keys Silver King |
Florida Keys Tarpon Fishing Report
April, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 2007
Greetings From Tarpon World:
April 12, 2007,
Today it rained in the morning but cleared up in the late afternoon, we decided to try an evening of fly fishing for Tarpon out in the bay. Danny brought his daughter Caitlin for what turned out to be one of my slowest night trips ever. We watched several other captain's clients hook and fight Tarpon however Danny only got one bite which did not stay hooked up long enough for a jump. It will get better Soon!
April 13, 2007,
This evening I hooked up with Arlene and Don War from Stone Harbor, NJ for a four hour night Tarpon trip. The first 2 hours was slow then, Don hooked a 70 pounder which jumped 6 times and stayed on for about 5 minutes before jumping and spitting the hook.
On the next drift Arlene hooked a great 100 pounder which only jumped 3 times at the beginning of the battle. Arlene did a great job staying tight on that Tarpon as it took us through the bridge and out into the ocean. 35 minutes later she wound the leader into the rod tip for a technical release, I then grabbed the fish and removed the hook and let that great fish swim off.
Arlene hooked another Tarpon on the next drift but the gill plate cut through the leader during the early battle, then on our next drift she hooked a big fish which jumped 3 times before letting go of the hook and firing it back into the boat.
Don fished for the last 2 drifts but the fish had turned off and we never got another bite. Don and Arlene are fun to fish with, we will fish together again later this month.
April 14, 2007,
Today I fished with my friend and old time client Jon Ziarnik from Cudjoe Key, FL, we fished 1/2 of a day in a basin near Big Pine Key from 10 AM to 2:30 PM, with sunny skies and s wind at 15 knots. We managed to see 3 dozen Tarpon with several following the fly and one nice fish making a fabled attempt at eating the fly. I was amazed that we did not catch a fish with these conditions, however that is Tarpon fishing! Jon has 3 more days booked later this month.
April 15, 2007,
Danny Cline and I left the dock in the morning knowing that the weather was about to get real bad. We got to fish for about two hours before the front approached and chased us off of the water. Danny got 9 shots at the dozen or so laid up Tarpon which I found, the wind was strong and the glare was real bad. Again we had several fish follow the fly with one bite that just did not stay connected.
I know that these reports do not sound very exciting, however remember that we are sight casting in harsh conditions to really big fish using fly, which is like hunting Elephants with a sling shot. Remember that this fishery is weather dependent, in a week or two when I am reporting hundreds of Tarpon with a dozen or more hookups per day, that it is still very hard. I always describe Tarpon fly fishing as a lottery, you buy a lottery ticket each day of Tarpon Season, if you hit the lottery then you will experience the best fishing days that you can imagine. There are two kinds of Tarpon Fly fishing days, Good and Great, the difference is that on the great days, the Tarpon gets the Fly in its mouth.
April 16, 2007
Cold, windy, rough, too rough and windy to fish today! We are getting ready for the nice weather which will start tomorrow. More Reports to follow!
Captain Jake Jordan Jake Jordan's Fishing Adventures PO Box 500937 Marathon, FL 33050 305-872-6060 www.jakejordan.com
Arlene's Tarpon April 13, 2007 |
Florida Keys Tarpon Fishing Report
April, 9, 10. 11, 2007
Greetings From Tarpon World:
I am back in the Florida Keys where I started my Tarpon season on Monday morning, My long time friend and client, Danny Cline from West Virginia is here for a week, today he brought his daughter Caitlin along to watch her dad in action. We fished from 11:00 AM on Monday morning to 5 PM in the lower Keys. We saw about 20 laid up Tarpon and Danny had 7 decent shots, he was a little rusty regarding his casting, when we finished the we had not had a bite.
On Tuesday Danny and I put in 6 hours of fly fishing for Silver King in the waters of the lower Florida Keys. Today the water temperature went up to 76 degrees and the fish were less plentiful than yesterday. We found 13 Tarpon in the basins near Big Pine Key but they were deep and not active. Danny made a good cast to a large female that followed his fly for 60 feet before seeing the boat and refusing the fly.
We were scheduled to fish Wednesday however it rained and blew hard so we took the day off. there are
some fish around and I am sure that they will start becoming active soon. Danny and I will hit the flats early tomorrow morning, more reports to follow. I still have April 23 and 24 available for charter, if anyone wants to fish give me a call.