Sailfish School Fishing Reports 2011 |
Guatemala Sailfish on Fly Report
December 6, 7, 8, 2011
Greetings from Casa Vieja Lodge:
This week was a tribute to my late friend Jack Charlton who designed and built his incredible Mako fly reels. Jack's wife Judy Charlton, along with friends, Mark Vorobic, Keefer Meranto, Jerry Jenkins, Richie Glonek, and Photographer Matt Harris, traveled to Casa Vieja Lodge to celebrate Jack and re live his favorite all time fishing trip
This year we fished for 3 days, and had relatively slow fishing for Guatemala, however 5 anglers caught a total of 8 Sailfish on fly, and my buddy Keefer fought a 250 pound blue Marlin for 5 minutes before the fly came out. Everyone had a great time while fishing aboard "Intensity' with captain Mike Sheeder and "Makaira" with captain Jason Brice. Casa Vieja Lodge was lit up for Christmas, the food, beverage, service, and staff where even better than usual. We took lots of great photo's, and laughed more that I ever remember, all in all it was a wonderful vacation, and my new hip seemed to work fine.
Below are a few of Matt's pictures, along with a few which I shot. Stay tined fro more fishing reports to follow shortly, I love this job, wish you were here.
Best Wishes:
Good Morning:
I got the following E-mail from captain Mike Sheeder of the vessel Intensity, out of Casa Vieja Lodge in Guatemala. This portion of Mike's E-mail was regarding the catch of my 400 + pound Blue Marlin on Fly. Thought you might like to read about it from the captain's prospective, you can contact Captain Mike Sheeder at: Thank you Mike, that was my best fish ever, (SO FAR)! Jake
"Another notable day was on January 17th 2011 which was the finally day of a Jake Jordan Fly Fishing School. In the closing hours of a day of catching several sails on the fly, there was a huge explosion on my flat teaser. There was no doubt it was a marlin. As Flaco began to tease the fish in I saw that not only was it a blue marlin but a Big One. Jake quickly got the marlin fly in the water. The fish teased in and we got the cast off, but she didn't bite. It took several re teases and recasts and then Jake got the bite. It was an amazing fight that lasted an hour and twenty minutes and then we got the legal release. Ten minutes later the fish was tired out and laying on her side swimming behind the boat. This is when I saw actually how big she was, a good 400 lbs or more. This is the largest marlin I have caught fly fishing and if we would have chosen to kill it, it would have been at least 100 to 150 lbs larger then the current world record. I have many great memories fishing aboard the Intensity and have caught many marlin but this one is up there as one of the very best.
Captain Mike Sheeder"
Ken Haupt, Sailfish on Fly, Jake Jordan's Sailfish School Lap Dance, Casa Vieja Lodge, Intensity with Captain Mike Sheeder, Jan 17, 2011 |
George, Greg, Ken, with mates, aboard Intensity, Jake Jordan's Sailfish School, Casa Vieja Lodge, Guatemala, Intensity, Captain Mine Sheeder, January 16, 2011 |
Greg Hyland Sailfish School Lap Dance Jan, 15, 2011 |
Sailfish School Report January 16 and 17, 2011
Greetings from the world class Casa Vieja Lodge:
I am writing this report from a hotel room at the Raleigh NC Airport, it is 3:00 Am and I can't sleep, please read this whole report, it is a good one.
January 16 2011,
Anglers, Ken Haupt, and Greg Hyland, along with photographer George Coley, all from Northern California joined me at 7:00 this morning aboard Intensity with captain Mike Sheeder and his mates Flaco and Waldo for their second day of their sailfish school. The seas were calm with sunny skies and 85 degree water and air temperature, fishing was slow for those of us who were fly fishing. All tree clients aboard intensity along with their instructor got to cast flies to sailfish, each angler got to hook and fight at least one of the 7 sailfish bites which we got from the 20 plus fish raised. We had some bad lick and made a few mistakes, and at the end of the day we released only one sailfish on fly from 7 bites. Some of the boats fishing bait caught as many as 20, tomorrow will be a much better day.
January 17, 2011:
Today Greg, Ken, and George all showed up ready for battle with the mighty pacific sailfish on fly rods. After a great breakfast at Casa Vieja, we boarded Intensity with captain Mike Sheeder along with mates Waldo and Flaco and left the dock at 7 AM. Just then a cell phone rang and there was a medical problem with Waldo's father so we pulled back into the slip where Waldo went to assist his ailing father and we picked up mate Christian. We steamed for 2 hours to a spot 45 miles from the marina and began to troll teasers in the calm seas with lots of sea life visible.
Soon we got our first Bite and Greg caught his first sailfish of the day, later George hooked and fought a nice sailfish only to break it off after a 5 minute battle, then by noon my buddy Ken Haupt hooked a really nice, wild pacific sailfish on a pink Cam Sigler fly. Ken fought this sailfish for 14 minutes without making any mistakes, (perfect angling) and then landed this awesome sailfish. After raising more than 20 sailfish and getting 7 bites this crew caught and released 3 sailfish for the day.
Sailfish School Report January 15, 2011
Greetings from the world class Casa Vieja Lodge:
January 15 2011, Anglers, Ken Haupt, and Greg Hyland, along with photographer George Coley, all from Northern California are here to experience the great fly fishing for sailfish which is available here in Guatemala. This morning the reminance of the cold front which caused the snow on the east coast of the US pushed through and caused some wind, the seas were choppy (3 to 5 in the morning and then calmed down by noon.
Captain Mike Sheeder aboard "Intensity slowed down and put out the teasers about 20 miles off shore, and we raised a sailfish within the first 20 minutes. Greg Hyland was the first student (angler) to get a shot, he made a good cast and that 80 pound sailfish charged in and ate Greg's pink Cam Sigler fly. Twelve minutes and many jumps later, Greg landed his first sailfish on fly.
We saw two more sailfish in the morning but never got one to tease in for a cast, then after lunch when the wind and seas resided, Greg got another shot. This was a bigger fish which fought hard for 31 minutes before Greg got his second release of the day. Next we raised one more really big sailfish , it came in real hot, Ken made a perfect cast, however after 3 times trying to get that fly in it's mouth the sailfish swam away without getting hooked. The seas have calmed down and we will be back out there for 2 more days of catching sailfish on fly, hopefully the bite will be red hot today. Stay tuned, more reports to follow.
Jake Jordan fighting Big Blue Marlin on fly (over 400#) Jan 17, 2011 aboard "Intensity" with captain Mike Sheeder, out of Casa Vieja Lodge, Guatemala |
Big Blue Marlin, on fly, Intensity, January 17, 2011, Jake Jordan Angler |
Happy Crew aboard Intensity after Jake Jordan caught 400+# Blue Marlin on fly, January 17, 2011 |
The next chapter begins here, at 3: PM we were getting ready for the long two hour ride back to the dock, Ken, Greg, and George were sitting inside talking about this awesome day, I was in the cockpit with the mates when I heard captain Mike yell "MARLIN", "BIG MARLIN". I calmly picked up the TFO Bluewater HD fly rod with the Mako #9700 fly reel, rigged with a RIO Leviathan fly line , 20 pound tippet and a Cam Sigler Marlin Fly, with the drag set at one pound of pressure and got the fly ready to cast. Ken moved the sailfish rod out of the way, as I asked him if he wanted to take a shot, He said "You show us how it is done" so, when the big Blue Marlin came in hot I made the cast.
The big marlin swam around trying to eat the teasers, I cast again, she swam under my fly and then chased another teaser which Flaco had cast to get her to come back in. I made the third cast and then this monster fish attacked my fly within 25 foot from the boat. Within 10 seconds that marlin was 200 yards out gray hounding away and then back at the boat. Much of the next 30 minutes is a blur to me, I just did what I have been teaching anglers to do for the last 25 years of my Billfish Schools, "Relax and let the rod and reel do the work" "don't squeeze the rod, loosen your grip, rod tip low, when the fish is going away then the angler should relax, then apply maximum pressure on the fish when she is facing you".
During the next half hour I ate some icecold pineapple and drank 2 bottles of water, took off my sun glasses, and worked through several Charlie horses in my legs, all while applying pressure on this big marlin. Captain Mike Sheeder who has caught 6 other Blue marlin on fly with me as his angler, maneuvered the "Intensity"
perfectly, we circled that fish at least a dozen times as we tried to get an angle to bring her to the surface. At some point I was winding line in from behind the boat when she surfaced and jumped 3 times 100 yards in front of the boat, Mike swung the boat and I gained 250 feet of line and was on the fly line after an hour of battle.
One hour and 15 minutes into the battle I got within 20 foot of her and then she ripped off 50 yards of backing, she really looked big to me. I was thinking about "Oh lord, this fish is so big and my boat is so small" and then I was wondering just what this Marlin was thinking? With cheering from Ken, Greg, and George, I began to feel that marlin begin to tire, I had been resting and felt strong. I was on the fly line 25 foot from the leader and a release of another Blue Marlin on fly, the drag on my Mako reel was now set at 6 pounds of drag and she was coming up slowly. At 4:23 I got the leader through the rod tip and secured the technical release, she surged and I let her have back 15 foot before stopping her and lifting her close to the surface, and then at 4:27 Captain Mike slipped Intensity into reverse one more time and I wound the fly rod tip all the way down to the class tippet, confirming that this was a really big female Blue Marlin. She was really thick and deep, and was longer than the transom of the Intensity is wide, About 11 foot I think. I said that she was the largest fish that I had ever caught or even seen caught on fly, Mike said well over 400 pounds, the crew agreed. We got in after dark.
My 400 pound Blue Marlin, caught on 20 pound IGFA Class tippet, aboard "Intensity" with Captain Mike Sheeder out of Casa Vieja Lodge , just a few days after My Sailfish tournament set all kinds of numbers records for fly fishing for Billfish events, Made January 17, 2011 by far the best fish and the best day in my life. Thank you all for allowing me to share my passion with you, I do really love my job, more reports to follow.
Jake Jordan Jake Jordan's Fishing Adventures PO Box, 309 Havelock, NC 28532 252-444-3308 (home/office) 305-872-6060 (cell)
Sailfish School, Casa Vieja Lodge, Sailfish on Fly, January 2011 |
Casa Vieja Lodge Sailfish Report, January 10, 1011
Greetings from Casa Vieja Lodge in Guatemala:
Today was a practice day for my tournament here in Guatemala, I just got a few reports from several boats by radio.
Rum Line, with Captain Chris Sheeder, his anglers Don Butler & Danny Cline Raised 22, got 13 bites, and released, 7 sailfish on fly.
Makaira, with Captain Jason Brice, with anglers Sharon and George Maybee, raised 16 sailfish, got 8 bites, and Caught 2 sailfish on fly.
Intensity, with Captain Mike Sheeder fly fished with my sailfish school clients Chris Freeman along with Bob and Charlotte Campbell, (Tournament anglers Tony Weaver and Lucien LaFond will arrive today) raised 45, got 14 bites, and released 3 on fly.
Captain Hook, with Captain Ron Hamlin, (fishing anglers today who are not in my tournament )raised 25, got 14 bites and caught 5 on fly.
I did not yet get a report from Decisive with captain Brad Philipps and tournament anglers Joe O'Brien and Scott Lund.
Also I did not yet get a report from Old Reliable with captain Chip Shafer with tournament anglers, Mike and Nick Smith.
Looks to me like a lot more fish are showing up, should improve the fly fishing for sailfish during the next several weeks. It is time for me to put together the captains rules meeting, and then the Anglers dinner party, stay tuned for tournament reports to start tomorrow. 85 degrees, calm seas, sunny skies, wish you were here.
Jake Jordan Jake Jordan's Fishing Adventures PO Box, 309 Havelock, NC 28532 252-444-3308 (home/office) 305-872-6060 (cell)
Rick Pope, Sailfish on Fly, Sailfish School, Casa Vieja Lodge, Guatemala, January 2011 |
Sailfish School Fly Fishing Report, Jan 7, 8, 9, 2011
Greetings from 85 degree, sunshine, calm, Guatemala:
The last couple of days, January 7, 8, 9, produced relatively slow fly fishing for sailfish and marlin for the Casa Vieja Lodge fleet and for my Sailfish School. This trip I had repeat fly anglers Bob and Charlotte Campbell from North Carolina, along with Charlotte's brother Tommy Thompson from Virginia aboard Rum Line with Captain Chris Sheeder. The other group in my Sailfish School included my friend and Tournament sponsor, Rick Pope (TFO Rods) from Texas, along with Bill Mandulak and Chris Freeman from North Carolina.
January 7, 2011; Began with a great breakfast at the Casa Vieja Lodge and then both Intensity and Rum Line leaving the "Sailfish Marina" at 7:00 AM and heading out into 2 to 4 foot seas for a short 45 minute ride out to the fishing grounds. Bill, Chris, and Rick, with me aboard to help with instruction, had a very slow start, we raised 9 very sluggish sailfish, of which only 3 bit the presented fly. Bill was the high rod with 2 bites, both of which he missed on the strike, while rick hooked a hot sailfish which put on a great show, and eventually formed a loop in the fly line and jumped over the line and tied a overhand loop knot in the tippet, which broke when the slack cane out of the line. That sailfish actually tied a wind knot into the leader to free itself, that is why it is called "The Sailfish School".
Aboard Rum Line with Captain Chris, Bob, Charlotte, and Tommy, had a better day, they raised 15 sailfish, teased 7 into rang to bite the fly and each angler, cast to, fought, and released a Sailfish on fly.
January 8, 2011: After a great Breakfast at Casa Vieja Lodge we left the Marina again at 7:00 Am aboard Intensity and Rum Line, and again headed offshore for less than an hour ride. I went out with Bob, Charlotte, and Tommy aboard Rum Line, and due to captain Chris Sheeder being sick we had first mate Ricardo as our captain and my good friend captain Chico Alevrenga joined us as the second mate. The seas were flat calm, and there was lots of action but not many sailfish around, however Tommy and Charlotte took advantage of the two bites that we had from 4 fish raised, they both caught the only sailfish that they cast to, all before 10:00 AM. During the afternoon, we raised 2 blue marlin, one ate a teaser and never returned, the other teased in to the boat, Charlotte made a perfect cast, and the 350 pound monster Blue came completely out of the water and pounced on that cam sigler fly,. Unfortunately the fly hooked on the top of the bill instead of in the mouth and it was gone in 60 seconds, an awesome fish.
Aboard Intensity, captain Mike raised 5 sailfish, three teased into casting range, Bill Mandulak, pulled the hook on the hook set, Chris Freeman, hooked his only bite, fought the sailfish through several jumps, and then the fly came un-hooked. Then Rick Pope, who was testing out my favorite Billfish fly rod, (TFO Bluewater Heavy Duty), made a perfect cast, set the hook on a big (110+#) sailfish, and then proceeded to kick the butt of that big sailfish. One release from 3 bites, pretty slow!
January 9, 2011; We got word that one boat in the fleet had raised 27 sailfish way offshore late in the afternoon yesterday, so at 7:00 AM we began our ride which got us in place to begin fishing around 8;30 AM. During the last several days all of the boats in the fleet has relatively slow fishing with the fly fishing boats having it harder as the fish were not teasing well.
Today, Intensity with captain Mile Sheeder working hard to get the 7 fish that he raised to tease in, wound up getting 3 bites, all three were by angler Bill Mandulak, on two of the bites bill bulled the fly away from the sailfish on the bite, and on the other bite, he set the hook good, the fish ran 20 yards, and jumped back toward the boat. Bill raised his fly rod up high creating slack and the fly fell out of the fishes mouth.
Aboard Rum Line, captain Chris was still sick so captain Ricardo drove the boat today, he did an awesome job. Rum line raised 16 sailfish today, Charlotte, Bob, and Tommy got 9 bites, the trio caught and released 7 sailfish on fly today. Each angler aboard caught at least two sailfish on fly today.
After the 3 days of slow fly fishing the Rum Line team had 35 sailfish raised, got 18 bites, and caught 12 sailfish on fly. The intensity team during the same three days of fly fishing for sailfish had some bad luck with 21 sailfish raised, 9 total bites, and only Rick's 110+# pound fish caught and released. Of course the captains, mates, and Antonio's staff at Casa Vieja Lodge did an excellent job, the food, lodging, service, and boats are truly world class. Of course the Mako fly reels, TFO fly rods, RIO fly lines, and Cam Sigler flies from our Tournament Sponsors, preformed perfectly, I would like to thank these companies for building the tackle which makes this great fishery even easier for my students (Anglers) to have such a wonderful catch to bite ratio. Just remember this is still fishing, the animal,(Sailfish/Marlin) still have to cooperate and do what I have trained them to do!
Today, January 10 is the practice day for " The Jake Jordan, Invitational, Sailfish Fly Challenge" of 2011, the tournament starts tomorrow. Stay tuned for more fly fishing for sailfish and Tournament reports from Casa Vieja Lodge, I love my Job, wish you were here.
Early January Fishing Reports January 2011
Greetings from Casa Vieja Lodge in Guatemala:
I arrived here at Casa Vieja Lodge in Guatemala yesterday, and was greeted with sunshine, warm weather, and good fishing fro both sailfish and Marlin. My friend and client Nat Harris just finished fishing for a few days with Captain Ron Hamlin, he accomplished his goal of catching his 400th sailfish on fly along with catching his 17th Blue Marlin on fly. During this trip Nat was targeting Blue Marlin, they raised 8 during his trip, got 4 bites, and released a 300 pound Blue Marlin on fly, they also raised 27 sailfish, got 10 bites and released 4 sailfish on fly, below is a quick report in his own words.
"On the first day my first fish was a 300 lb+ Blue Marlin that gave us one of those total body out of the water bites. Fortunately, the fish stayed on top and wore himself down. Then hooked another Blue Marlin, smaller in size, but he really had a bad attitude. He sounded and as hard as Ron and I worked, the fish still took too much line off. When he decided to surface, he came back across and cut my fly line.
On my last day we enjoyed another awesome bite with a 500 lb Blue, and I was eyeball to eyeball when he took the fly. I backed the drag down, was ready to do battle, Ron edged back on him and I made a visual mistake; the bright orange leader that I thought was the technical release connecting to the butt section was the portion the mates recently tied to my fly line. When I reached for it, I gave the fish some slack and he threw the hook.
Some other reports from the last few days fishing at Casa Vieja Lodge include:
Rum Line: fly fishing on January 4, Raised 21 sailfish, got 8 bites, and released 4, they also raised 2 Marlin, got one bite, and released one Marlin on fly, all in one day.
Intensity: fly fishing on January 3 and 4, raised 17 sailfish and 3 Marlin, got 6 bites, and released 4 sailfish on fly.
Makaira: fished 5 days, January 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, raised 42 sailfish, got 32 bites, and released 21 sailfish, also raised, hooked and released one Marlin.
Today 2 boats are out fly fishing, and then tomorrow my first sailfish school of 2011 will begin, there will be at least 4 boats fly fishing for sailfish. Stay tuned for more fishing reports and some good pictures, I will be holding my Sailfish on Fly Tournament on January 11, 12, and 13, if you can make it at the last minute I still have one boat available., and then on January 15, 16, 17, I will host another Sailfish School here at Casa Vieja Lodge.
There are only a few select dates still available during February, March,and April on select boats at Casa Vieja Lodge, if you are planning to fish down here during this season, you need to book now or wait until next season.
Charlotte Campbell, Sailfish School Lap Dance |
Bob Campbell Sailfish School Lapdance |
Tommy Thompson Sailfish School Lap Dance |
Chris Freeman, Sailfish School, Sailfish on Fly, Guatemala |